We asked many people who are the foundation of our scene here in Detroit a simple question. “What motivates you and defines the contributions that you want to make to Detroit’s music and club culture?”. Many you may never have heard of, some are very well known, some you may know their faces but not their names. Their voices span generations of individuals who are behind the scenes and in the forefront, in the DJ booth, at the door, promote parties, run venues, make the sound perfect, bartend, dance with you, and more. This is a small sampling of the personalities who, through their contributions, time, and passion define our amazing city.


“Detroit may be one point on the map, but our position in the musical landscape is as broad as any vista. This city has historically been a powerhouse for music – from techno to the Motown sound to hip hop and beyond. I want to be part of that ongoing narrative by adding my own voice to the mix: whether I’m behind the microphone performing or I’m DJing a set.

The idea of shaping experiences and creating spaces where people can come together and lose themselves in the music is a huge motivator for me. It’s not just about playing songs; it’s about curating an atmosphere, telling a story through the music, and making connections.

We have always been a city of creativity, innovation, and resilience. My goal is to contribute to that spirit in a way that only I can. It’s about leaving a mark and hopefully inspiring others along the way. I’m honored and grateful to be a part of Detroit’s ongoing legacy in shaping global club culture.”


“I’ve been deeply embedded in the Detroit dance music scene for nearly five decades, and it’s been a thrilling journey to watch Detroit grow and gain international acclaim, all thanks to the incredibly talented and creative artists from our area. It brings me immense joy to see both new artists and those I first promoted and marketed 30 years ago find success not just in Detroit but on national and international stages.

My passion today still lies in nurturing emerging talent and helping them make their mark in Detroit’s vibrant scene. Seeing young promoters take the reins brings a sense of nostalgia and pride; it reminds me so much of my beginnings. Their energy and dedication to the craft are inspiring and it’s exciting to see a new generation carry forward the legacy of Detroit’s dynamic dance music culture.”


“The love of good vibes and positive music motivates me and is what I want to share.


“A large part of my motivation derives from continuous improvement. In the automotive industry they call it ‘Kaizen’. It’s important (for me) that Detroit’s music scene expresses artistic innovation; pushing the boundary forward through visual art and sound production. I am constantly inspired by Detroit’s history and by those who came before me in our scene who took on risks and paved the way for us now to be able to make our own contributions here in Detroit, and beyond.”


“Firstly, I love being involved in producing events small, big, and everything in between. Events in Detroit have been evolving in vision and scope, which enables myself, and Audio Rescue Team as a whole, to let our creativity expand when it comes to production elements, be it audio or visual.

Secondly, and most importantly, I love counterculture, and bringing different unique elements of the scene together. It’s truly magical to me, meeting different people, forging new relationships and being a part of a continuing story in the lives of those you’ve already met. Weaving threads in the tapestry of life through music is basically what I’ve been doing since I can remember, and I thank the city and all who frequent the events we’re working on for allowing me to live my dream.”


“My name is Theresa Hill of the T Hill Detroit Radio Show & the Charivari Detroit Music Festival. I have been listening to this music as well as hanging out in this club scene since I was a 17. This music has had a hold on me from the first time I heard it in the fall of 1980 at the Park Ave Club.

The music has always been the motivator for me. PEROID! I feel my contribution to this scene is to let the world know what is well known to you if you’re a Detroiter…. We have the best talented collective of DJs, artists and producers hands down. They are respected, loved and adored world wide! ANY thing that my producer Lisa Lynn and myself can contribute to getting the music out to the masses, we are here for it!

Our Detroit music is truly “The Answer” When we are done, everyone will “DANCE DETROIT!”


“Through my company Urban Organic I have strived to contributed to Detroit’s live music scene since 2001, collaborating and presenting both local and national acts, ranging from luminaries such as Amp Fiddler, Dwele, Eric Roberson, PJ Morton, and many others. As for the Diaspora Day Party, I seek to round out the Memorial Day weekend with Soulful House, Amapiano, Detroit Techno, Afrobeats, and more. What motivates me is the pursuit of joy and the soul in music as well as art.”


“I’m motivated by the opportunity to share the music that’s created here and the joy and freedom it brings me. Providing a safe space for all people to experience this amazing music and culture is my goal. I’ve always looked at this as my small way of making Dr. King’s dream of equality a reality.”


“As a queer teen growing up an hour outside of Detroit, I never really felt like I fit in with my peers. That was until I found myself in a dark, abandoned warehouse in Detroit with black plastic adorning the walls, blacklight reactive carpet, and a banging sound system in the late 90’s.

The music was unlike anything I had ever heard before. All the people in this room moving together and at the same time expressing their styles had me mesmerized. I knew then that this was ‘home’ for me. Eventually I made a career here slinging drinks at The Works and doing productions for a few major techno labels in Detroit.

The number of talented musicians, sound and production engineers in this city is what keeps the scene going. I am lucky to call many of them friends. I do this for the love of music, the love of the scene, and course that room full of people mesmerizing me every weekend. ”


“It motivates me to think that I might be one of those persons that someone, somewhere envisions in their head as their ‘Detroit techno family”’. Just knowing that people have a family to walk into and enjoy the vibe, environment, and each other with—on top of the music that originally brought them in—is the type of contribution I would love to forever contribute to the club scene. I hope when people walk into the club and see my face that they immediately feel a sense of safety, excitement, and genuine belonging.


“Detroit is a place to create. I’ve found that if you have a cool vision, there are usually people around to connect with. The grind is real, but the rewards are there. 

The city, through the toughest financial times, thrived largely in part because of its art scenes and the drive of people behind it receiving world acclaim. Once something is cooking the money eventually comes.  

Fast forward to 2024 and the city is thriving.  Many of those deep in the trenches are now getting their flowers for labor of love. But the flowers only fuel the passion inside that is real. I am proud to have served this city in the music community and will continue as long as I am able.”


“Detroit’s music and club culture is a storied one. Many great Detroit artists have made major contributions to the scene and industry as a whole. I’m motivated to add contributions that reflect my background and experiences, whether music through my new record label ‘On My Terms’ or through events that I will produce. The events I’m looking to produce involve bringing artists who are new to Detroit that will help fill some gaps in music style and events that I feel the city currently has.
The events I’m looking to produce involve bringing artists who are new to Detroit that will help fill some gaps in music style and events that I feel the city currently has.”


“The thing that motivates us the most, aside from our love of playing music, is the radical potential of the dance floor. It has the unique and extraordinary capacity to create space for people to feel vibrant and fully themselves, to provoke emotional and social healing through music and togetherness. Its a Large Hadron Collider for human potential – a space for mixing friends and like minded folks of all walks and identities. Social movements in art, music and politics are often incubated and amplified from dance floors.

Its been a privilege to be one of these spaces for the past 16 years, and I hope our constellation of creative and potent people only continues to expand and further develop a sense of cultural solidarity in Detroit for years to come.”


“We owe a great deal to the city of Detroit. Its influence has helped to shape us into who we are as artists. Detroit’s ability to lead the musical world as tastemakers and innovators has played an integral role in shaping music and club culture all over the world. We are so incredibly thankful and fortunate that the people that created genres and innovations in music are right here in our backyard. Many of them pass on their incredible wealth of knowledge to the younger generations, as if we didn’t have enough to thank them for already. They do this because they know how important it is to keep Detroit’s reputation alive and untarnished, that they created, that is known for its DIY ‘hustles harder’ attitude. They integrate soul, grit, and passion into the music our city creates.

Our motivation as artists and members of this amazing community is to help preserve this reputation. We as a community have to help maintain this reputation or else we risk losing it. Our goal is to protect this legacy, and that is the contribution that we are constantly trying to achieve. Because in the not-so-distant future, those trailblazers are going to have to step aside from their roles, and more than anything, we want them to feel confident knowing that what they built will remain standing.”


“What motivates me most is promoting good music and the great talent in our city. I want spread awareness of artists that are sometimes out of the spotlight and try to highlight people in the background of the scene. Graphic designers, photographers, promoters, venue owners, etc.”


“What motivates me to continue working in the music and club culture/industry is seeing another new generation of artists, promoters, and venues pushing the boundaries and taking things to another level, along with those who just like to come and get their groove on (aka fans) continuing to love, embrace, and enjoy not just the music, but to be part of a community. Like a ‘family,’ it is generational. I am so grateful to be a part of the founding forefathers.

I feel there’s no greater accomplishment than being told you have inspired or motivated someone to be an artist/musician, promoter, or even an attendee 25 to 30 years later, and this keeps me going! For me, there’s no greater reward than being part of a special, genuine community, a second family here in Detroit!

A bit of advice…you can use the elements of what we did in the past to take it to the next level, creating your legacy!”


“We were founded with the intention of representing raw and authentic electronic music. We are lovers of the underground and we strive to create a space where everyone can express themselves freely. We hope that through our events and music, the listener will be able to temporarily leave behind the negativity of the modern world. Through a united vibration, we aim to provide an environment where everyone can discover personal growth, healing, and friendship that aligns them with their optimal life path.”


“We founded Motorcity Wine in 2009. Originally conceived as a retail wine store, it quickly became clear that people wanted it to be more of a bar and venue. David drew upon years of experience as a DJ in Detroit and started hosting jazz bands as well as house music DJs from Detroit and all over the world. 

Fast forward 15 years and MotorCity Wine has created a formidable musical community that the rest of the world has taken note of as a center for not only bringing Detroit talent to the world but also bringing the highest level of talent from around the world to perform and often introduce Detroit talent to new connections and possibilities through collaborations.  As part of the organic growth process, a record label was also formed in 2017 to further share Detroit artists as well as international artists and collaborations with both. 17 vinyl records in and more on the way.”


“I am a man who prefers deed to rhetoric, consistently working out front or behind the scenes to ensure the success of my ventures and the growth of the community. I feel actions speak louder than words, a testament to my belief in the transformative power of music and community. I have attempted to act as a catalyst for change, elevating the music, and the scene and enriching the cultural landscape.

I have helped many over the years and have done many things. They might not know my name, but I’d like to think that the impact of my work and/or my writing has resonated with the generations of Detroiters who have danced to the beats and in the global recognition of Detroits electronic music scene.

I am a man who loves marketing and its impact on culture. What motivates me is a deep-seated desire to contribute positively to our city’s music and club culture. What inspires me is kick-ass graphics, thoughtfully executed concepts, well-crafted DJ sets and seeing the community flourish. What drives me is hope.

Founding the iconic 1980s Detroit DJ crew Direct Drive, co-founding the Charivari Detroit Music FestivaI and everything in between a 40-year-plus run. I hope my contributions are seen as an act of love for this party culture, defining a legacy that continues to resonate with energy and purpose. My favorite part of my journey to date, my daughter Sillygirlcarmen.”


“When I was younger I would go to the park and become friends with everyone at the playground and I would run back to my mom and say ‘Look at all my friends’. I feel that’s what I still do to this day.

It’s always been like that for me. I’ve met people from all walks of life, all walks of music. These experiences made me the person I am today. My mother is a big influence on how I am as a person. She once showed me a picture of her at Red Rocks back in the 80s and I said ‘My mom is cooler than you” while holding the picture. I’ve always been an open arms wide-open person to anyone, as long as they keep it real.

I’ve been in the Detroit scene for a year and a half and the support I’ve gotten from the community is unbelievable. I grew up here and have always had a community-type mindset. I’m truly beyond blessed to have such awesome friends that I want to show that their love is unmatched anywhere in the world.”


“The future-forward music and the concrete city we party in motivate me. But also my children and all the new generations of dancers. My first experience of walking out of a pumping all-night Detroit party and hearing the bass drum echoing around the Detroit architecture on a relatively empty street forever imprinted on me. It was magic and tuned me into a culture I knew then I wanted to be a part of. A music culture and experience rooted in the underground but also in inclusivity, love, and a collective, almost unconscious, understanding of how music and dancing are fundamentally intertwined with our lives in a primordial and tribal way. I knew from then on that I wanted to support this culture. I hope my contributions will stir the same response in someone as my initial experience did for me. And that person, after experiencing it, would do what I did and run off to get a pair of turntables and start digging for records. And that person would also then dream of contributing to this culture just as I dreamt some 20-odd years ago.”


“What motivates my drive to contribute to Detroit’s music and club culture stems from a deep-rooted love for this city. Detroit has an iconic history in the music scene, and I am passionate about furthering its growth and adding my chapter to its legacy. One thing I love about Detroit is its space for DIY artists. I’ve found a platform to express my true self, unapologetically and authentically. I believe my contribution to Detroit’s legacy is defined by who I am as an artist; queer, daring, and extravagant (to name a few). Additionally, the people within Detroit fuel and inspire me to do more. For a big city, Detroit has a close-knit community where connections run deep. It’s not just about meeting expectations; it’s about exceeding them by offering unique and unforgettable experiences. My goal is to provide what people crave while also introducing them to something they never knew they needed.”


“It’s impossible to even think about this without my beloved older brother Dave immediately coming to mind. Without him, I don’t know when—or if—I would have found the music community here that has come to play such a central role in my life and means so very much to me. It’s with his guidance and through his lens that I was introduced to it; it’s in his honor that I proudly work to ensure it continues to flourish and grow, without compromising its unrivaled energy and authentic spirit.”


“Motivation comes from opportunities. The opportunity to honor hometown heroes, the opportunity to provide a stage for new local artists to kickstart their career, the opportunity to shine a light on overlooked talent in the city, the opportunity to provide new experiences to the public, the opportunity to educate everyone about our culture and the opportunity to participate in this music scene (Techno) that is bigger than us all.

If there was one word that I could use to describe what defines TecTroit it would be integrity. When ppl think of Tectroit, from the artist that play to the audience that attend I want them to always feel that Tectroit alway held high values and strong integrity from beginning to end on creating a free and unique, home town festival for all to enjoy.”


“I really want to bring people together to listen to all genres of music. I am particularly inspired by and want to properly represent bass music. I love having the opportunity to provide a platform for up and coming DJs and producers. I want to create events that bring a diverse group of people together, break down walls that separate people, share all that Detroit’s music culture has to offer. My friends inspire me, they are what make me want to create events and share my music.”


“My motivation comes from the Detroit Community’s love for Detroit and each other. I have tried to create a safe place for people to dance and enjoy each other’s company and provide high quality productions and experiences, all while supporting the local charity community in metro detroit. Our events support various charities, such as, Ruth Ellis Center, Affirmations, Ferndale Pride, and others, all while bringing the quintessential circuit scene right into the heart of Detroit. ”


“In Detroit’s dynamic music and club culture, I’m driven by the city’s rich history of innovation and the spirit of collaboration that permeates its artistic landscape. As part of the electronic music scene, I’m inspired by the sense of belonging and camaraderie it fosters, akin to a tight-knit family. My true passion lies in championing the next generation of talent, nurturing their creativity, and providing platforms for them to thrive. I’m committed to cultivating a community where emerging artists feel empowered to explore new styles, push boundaries, and contribute their unique voices to Detroit’s enduring legacy in music and club culture”


“What motivates me to contribute to Detroit is paying respect and homage to the legacy. But also more specifically trying to create queer events because dance music was originally queer music and I think people need to be reminded of that.”


“My deepest motivations are derived from Detroit’s music and club culture. The city’s extensive and diverse musical heritage, and its pivotal role in shaping and showcasing multiple genres, especially Motown and Techno are massive influences in my production and live sets.

I’ve always been inspired by the resilience and creativity of Detroit, its residents, and its artists, as well as the vibrant energy of its underground nightlife and art scenes.

Hailing originally from across the river in Canada, I moved to the US in 1993. No matter where my travels took me or for however long I was away, Detroit never made me feel like an outsider. From playing shows starting in 1998 in warehouses and clubs, traveling the globe, and returning many years later to work for the legendary Grasshopper Underground, Detroit always welcomed me home.

Detroit is a testament to the true underground, avoiding the commercial Hollywood hoopla and focusing on high-quality talent and sound production, a rarity in this modern social media world.

My goal and dream has always been to honor the history and legacy of Detroit by promoting inclusivity, innovation, and authenticity with myself, my music, my organization, the club spaces, and the people I engage with. I want to create and contribute something just like the Detroit I was introduced to when I started clubbing in the late 90s.

I created Bad Table Manners Detroit in hopes of making those dreams a reality. We aim to foster a community that celebrates diversity, pushes boundaries, and provides a platform for emerging talent while respecting and preserving the city’s cultural roots.”


“We are motivated by a deep respect for Detroit’s vibrant musical legacy and aim to honor it while pushing boundaries. Our focus is on creating innovative soundscapes that resonate with the city’s gritty, spirited character. We prioritize inclusivity, striving to cultivate a club culture that welcomes diverse voices and nurtures local talent, thus ensuring Detroit remains at the forefront of the global music scene.”


“Electronic music has always been future-focused, yet also containing the history of music in rhythm, harmony and sampling. I strive to convey this in the events I throw as well the music I DJ and create.”


“I am constantly inspired by the ability to create something from nothing in Detroit. Whether it’s new music, parties, or collaborations, the city has some of the most amazing leaders to work with. To me it’s the reason the music that comes out of here is some of the best in the world. I hope to leave Detroit a better, more positive and inclusive place than when I first got here.”


“I’ve been in the scene on and off for 30+ years. I’ve seen it go up and down. I make sure I try to talk to everyone who comes in and find out why they are there and what they are looking for and also try to tell them about everything available to them. Help the scene prosper. And on a smaller scale, I just love seeing a full dance floor of people enjoying themselves.”


“Our mission is to bring the highest quality DJs and producers to Detroit’s finest venues for the lowest admission possible. We believe in a zero drama dance floor, leave your worldly problems at the door, and vibe with the music. At our events, we bring people from all walks of life together with peace, love, unity, and respect. Detroit has a rich history in techno and club culture, and we are honored to be a part of it.”


“Detroit’s deep cultural history and diverse music scene have always defined my sounds and parties as a DJ and the city’s landscape I so cherish. Drawing inspiration from that rich history, I strive to pay homage to its spirit while forging my path.

My parties might have ghetto tech radio legends playing next to R&B Grammy winners and brass bands. That’s how I remember it in the 90’s! 

You can never put a Detroit sound neatly in a box, shout out to Mojo, the Scene, etc, and that’s not something any of us representing the city take lightly.

Detroit makes the world go round, the level of talent and musicianship here is so high, that it’s a constant motivation. It’s an honor to play alongside legends I looked up to in the ’90s to the young new talent coming out of the city right now and keeping lineups mixed with all the sounds of Detroit is a top priority for me along with a good dance party, always keep dancing on ‘em.”


Prelude is a collection of friends and family blending established artists with high quality emerging talent from Detroit and around the US. The passion for music and cool dance moves drive [something clever] + Infiltr8:Celebr8 to return every year to host a free celebration with the goal of setting the vibe for Movement weekend.

The 3 of us that make up [something clever] are Jeremy Poling, Nesto, and myself. We’ve been friends/family and dJing together for the last 20 years or so. Initially [something clever] was the name of a monthly event, which developed into our home base label for event production in 2010. We hooked up with Atnarko and Lola B (the Infiltr8:Celebr8 crew) in 2013 and they just fit so well that we’ve teamed up every year since.


I’m a retailer and owner of spectacles since 1984, 40 years. My hope is to establish a location where creatives can shop. Curating locations for musicians and DJs to display their talents and love for music and culture.


What inspires me and shapes my vision for contributing to Detroit’s music and club scene aligns closely with the values of Slay, an LGBTQ+ events and entertainment company. Central to our mission is the celebration and upliftment of queer culture, spotlighting LGBTQ+ artists, drag performers, and diverse entertainment offerings within the local community. Our commitment goes beyond representation; through every event, we raise funds for LGBTQ+ nonprofit organizations to support their causes, ensuring meaningful impact on the community. This commitment to advocacy and inclusivity drives my desire to be a part of Slay’s journey, creating spaces where everyone feels acknowledged, heard, and cherished.